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Commercial advantages of accessible digital products and services

There are several commercial advantages to having digital products and services that are web accessible:

Increased reach: By making your digital products and services accessible to people with disabilities, you can increase the reach of your products and services to a wider audience. This can lead to increased customer base, sales, and revenue.

Improved user experience: Web accessibility can improve the user experience for all users, not just those with disabilities. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and positive word-of-mouth.

Cost savings: Making your digital products and services accessible from the start can save you time and money in the long run. If you have to retrofit your products and services to make them accessible, it can be costly and time-consuming.

Legal compliance: As mentioned earlier, there are laws in Australia that require organisations to make their websites and other online content accessible to people with disabilities. By making your digital products and services accessible, you can avoid legal action and potential fines.

Reputation: By making your digital products and services accessible, you can demonstrate your commitment to inclusivity and equal access. This can improve your organisation’s reputation and potentially attract new customers and partners.

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Web Accessibility Legal Risks Australia

In Australia, there are several laws that require organisations to make their websites and other online content accessible to people with disabilities. These laws include the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (AHRCA).

Under the DDA, it is unlawful to discriminate against people with disabilities in the areas of work, education, and the provision of goods, services, and facilities. This includes the provision of online content and services. The AHRCA establishes the Australian Human Rights Commission, which has the power to investigate and conciliate complaints of discrimination, including complaints related to web accessibility.

Organisations that fail to make their websites and other online content accessible to people with disabilities may face legal action, including complaints to the Australian Human Rights Commission and legal proceedings in the Federal Court or Federal Circuit Court.

In addition to the legal risks, organisations may also face reputational risks if they are seen as not being inclusive or as not providing equal access to their online content and services. This could lead to negative publicity and damage to the organisation’s reputation.

To reduce the risk of legal action and reputational damage, it is important for organisations to ensure that their websites and other online content are designed and developed with accessibility in mind. This may involve following web accessibility guidelines and standards, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), and conducting regular testing and evaluation to ensure that the content remains accessible.

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Helpful Web Accessibility Tools

List of web accessibility tools

What tools help identify problems which may be restricting the use of your website?

Gain the knowledge to take action and quickly resolve any accessibility issues.

WAVE Web Accessibility Tool

Webaim Contrast Checker

Webaim WCAG checklist

Webaim Link Contrast Checker

WebAnywhere is a non-visual interface to the web that requires no new software to be downloaded or installed

A11Y Compliance Platform
AATT (Automated Accessibility Testing Tool)
Accessibility Checklist
Accessibility Management Platform (AMP)
Accessibility Viewer
Acrobat XI Pro
aXe Chrome Plugin
Bookmarklets for Accessibility Testing
CKSource Accessibility Checker
CommonLook PDF Global Access
COMPLYFirst Professional
Cynthia Says
Monsido Web Governance Platform
Total Validator

Screen reader software.

NVDA screen reader software – The NVDA screen reader can be downloaded free of charge by anyone.

JAWS screen reader software – JAWS, Job Access With Speech, is the world’s most popular screen reader,

Browser Extensions

Chrome Extension

WAVE Chrome Extension at the Google Web Store

Firefox Extension

WAVE Firefox Extension at Mozilla Add-ons

Platforms and operating systems

Google Accessibility

Apple Accessibility

Microsoft accessibility:

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Why does web accessibility matter?

Web accessibility refers to the practice of making websites, web applications, and other digital content accessible to people with disabilities. This includes individuals who are blind or have low vision, deaf or hard of hearing, have mobility impairments, or have cognitive or learning disabilities.

There are several reasons why businesses, companies, and brands should care about website accessibility:

Legal considerations: In many countries, it is a legal requirement for businesses to make their websites accessible to people with disabilities. Failing to do so can result in costly lawsuits and damage to a company’s reputation.

Improved user experience: Making a website accessible improves the user experience for people with disabilities, who may otherwise be unable to access or use the site. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Increased market potential: By making a website accessible, businesses can reach a wider audience, including people with disabilities and older individuals who may have difficulty using traditional websites. This can help to expand a company’s customer base and increase revenue.

Good corporate citizenship: Making a website accessible is a way for businesses to show their commitment to social responsibility and inclusivity. This can help to improve a company’s reputation and build trust with customers and other stakeholders.

Improved search engine optimization (SEO): Following web accessibility best practices can also help improve a website’s SEO, as search engines are more likely to rank websites that are accessible and easy to use higher in search results. This can help to increase traffic to a website and boost the company’s online presence.

Web accessibility is important because it allows people with disabilities to access and use the same information and services as everyone else. It also helps to ensure that people with disabilities have equal opportunities to participate in the digital economy and society.

To make a website or web application accessible, developers need to follow certain guidelines and best practices. This includes using semantic HTML tags to structure the content, providing alternative text for images, using colours and fonts that are legible and have sufficient contrast, and making sure that all interactive elements are keyboard-navigable. Developers also need to test their websites and web applications to ensure that they are fully accessible to people with disabilities.

Overall, web accessibility is a crucial aspect of the design and development of digital content and is essential for ensuring that everyone can access and use the internet.

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Web Accessibility defined

Web accessibility refers to the practice of making websites, web applications, and other digital content accessible to people with disabilities. This includes individuals who are blind or have low vision, deaf or hard of hearing, have mobility impairments, or have cognitive or learning disabilities.

Web accessibility is important because it allows people with disabilities to access and use the same information and services as everyone else. It also helps to ensure that people with disabilities have equal opportunities to participate in the digital economy and society.

To make a website or web application accessible, developers need to follow certain guidelines and best practices. This includes using semantic HTML tags to structure the content, providing alternative text for images, using colours and fonts that are legible and have sufficient contrast, and making sure that all interactive elements are keyboard-navigable. Developers also need to test their websites and web applications to ensure that they are fully accessible to people with disabilities.

Overall, web accessibility is a crucial aspect of the design and development of digital content and is essential for ensuring that everyone can access and use the internet.